The terrace boasts a cocktail menu created by Orelle’s in house mixologists using Tanquerary’s six signature flavours, London Dry Gin, Nº Ten Gin, Flor De Sevilla Distilled Gin, Blackcurrant Royale Distilled Gin, Rangpur Lime Distilled Gin and 0.0%.
Made in Scotland, each of their flavours are created by double distilling grain with selected botanicals added during the second distillation. The full Tanqueray selection will be served on the terrace.
Kim Sin Tae, General Manager at Orelle, said, “The terrace is the perfect location to soak up the sun and catch up with friends and family over our bespoke cocktail menu, in collaboration with Tanqueray. We’re looking forward to welcoming our guests onto the terrace over the summer.”
Read more here.